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Albania nominated to be part of World's Natural Heritage
Albania is among the countries selected along with Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Romania, Spain and Ukraine.
IUCN makes recommendations on whether a country should be on the World Heritage List or not as the official nature advisory body in the World Heritage Committee.
The IUCN recommendations will be issued four to six weeks before the UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting, which takes place from 2 to 12 July in Krakow, Poland.
The appointments are proposed with the inscription of the World Heritage List by States Parties that have ratified the 1972 World Heritage Convention, a unique instrument of conservation of natural and cultural heritage. As a nature advisory body under the Convention, IUCN is responsible for assessing all nominations that contain natural criteria.
The evaluation process has included field missions as well as consultations at international, regional and local level. IUCN is widely consulted with experts who have relevant knowledge of the sites or natural values they represent.
The IUCN World Heritage Panel is essential to this process. Gatheres annually to provide technical and scientific advice to IUCN in its work on World Heritage, ensuring the highest quality of recommendations given to the World Heritage Committee./Oculus News.