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EBRD Seeks Consultant to Support UKT

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said on Thursday it is seeking a consultant to assist Albania's Tirana Water Supply and Sewage company (UKT) in an EBRD-funded project for improving the company's performance. The EBRD has signed a loan of up to Euro 15 million to finance a project of UKT for improving the municipal water services, the bank said in a procurement notice. UKT supported by the municipality of Tirana approached the EBRD with a request to finance priority investments that will improve the municipal water services in the region where the company operates, the bank added. The estimated cost of the assignment is up to 300,000 euro, exclusive of VAT. The deadline for submitting bids is February 7. Earlier this week, the bank said is seeking a consultant to assist the EBRD in monitoring the implementation of the contracts related to different components of the project and to ensure that investments are implemented within lime and budget, and in accordance with the project legal agreements. UKT is a municipal utility company which provides water supply and sewage for the municipalities of Tirana, Vora and Kamza. The project aims to assist the company in providing a more resilient water system, reaching its objective of providing a 24 hour water supply by 2021, reducing the company's operating costs by supplying water by gravity versus the high cost of pumping groundwater, and increasing sustainability by removing/reducing the company's reliance on depleting and polluted wells to supply Berxull. UKT is majority owned by the municipality of Tirana with 82.5%, the municipality of Kamza owns 14.6% and the municipality of Vora owns the remaining 2.9%. The company serves around 700,000 customers. 

Source:  ATA 


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