Aktualitetet e anetareve


Numratori 2017- Dhoma po pregatit numratorin e anëtarëve per 2017.

Dhoma po pregatit numratorin  e anëtarëve per 2017.

Bashkangjitur do te gjeni numratorin 2016. Jeni te lutur te dergoni ndryshimet e mundshme  para 28 shkurtit.

Nese preferoni, mund te dergoni nje foto tuajen me rezolucion 300 DPI


Anetaret e rinj gjate 2016, jane te lutur te plotesojne formularin bashkangjitur.

Mbetem në dispozicionin tuaj nëse keni ndonjë pyetje, 

Gjithe te mirat,



We are preparing the Directory 2017 of CCI members. You will find attached the Directory 2016.

We thank you to send us your eventual modifications before 28 of February 2017.

If you wish, please kindly send a photo of yours, high resolution 300 DPI.

The new members during 2016 are kindly asked to fill the attached form.

At your disposal if you have questions,






Download Annuaire_2017.pdf  (PDF • 2 MB)


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